
About Makabres

About Makabres

Welcome to Makabres, where the art and cruelty of nature intertwine to create unique, one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces. My name is Julia, an art student with a dream, and I am the creative force behind this unique shop. At Makabres, I specialize in crafting high-quality stainless steel chainmail jewelry and transforming preserved insects into beautiful accessories.

Finding Beauty in the Unlikely

My journey with Makabres began with a simple yet profound realization: the world is filled with beauty, even in places we often overlook. By using preservation methods to turn found insects into jewelry, I aim to show that the small, seemingly insignificant things in life matter and can be truly beautiful, despite often being seen as ugly or undesirable. My art is about discovering and celebrating these contrasts—ugly and pretty, worthy and worthless, hurtful and blissful—and understanding that they can be one and the same when viewed from a different perspective.

A Personal Journey of Transformation

Having faced many challenges in my own life, I’ve found solace and strength in recognizing the hidden beauty in the world around me. This journey has not only transformed my art but also my outlook on life, filling me with confidence and hope. Through Makabres, I hope to share this transformative experience with my supporters, helping them find their own light amidst the darkness, much like the delicate beauty of a moth in the night.

The Symbol of the Spider

The spider serves as a powerful symbol for Makabres. Just as a spider weaves her web, creating her home wherever she goes, we too are the creators of our own lives and styles. When a spider’s web is destroyed, she simply moves on and spins a new one, carrying her home within her. This resilience and creativity are at the heart of Makabres, inspiring each piece I create.

Thank you for visiting Makabres. I invite you to explore my collection and discover the beauty in the unexpected. Together, let's weave the homes in our hearts and celebrate the things we take for granted which make life truly beautiful.